> Service Category
Crisis Line
Durham Region Rape Crisis Centre

Durham Region

(Mailing only)
P.O. Box 54039
8 King Street East
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8T2
Programs and Services: sexual assault crisis line, safety plan, child disclosed, distress centre
Crisis Line
Assaulted Women's Helpline

Phone Support Only
Programs and Services: free, anonymous and confidential 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis telephone line to all women in the province of Ontario who have experienced any form of abuse.
Employment Service
Volunteer Service
Volunteer Canada

Click on website link to explore volunteer opportunities in your area: Click Here
Autism Information

Online Resource Only

No Address Listed

No Email Listed

No Phone Listed
This is an online resource only for information on autism , no contact information or location provided
Autism Information
Autistic Self Advocacy Network

Information on Autism

No Address Listed

No Phone Listed
Programs and services: autism advocacy by autistic people
Dental Services
Healthy Smiles Ontario

Ontario Regional Resource

For address: follow the link to find your local health unit

No Email Listed
Programs and services: Dental cleaning and treatments for kids (under 17)
Dental Services
Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program

Ontario Regional Resource

For address: follow the link to find your local health unit

No Email Listed
Programs and services: Dental cleaning and treatments for seniors (65+)
Developmental Disability Services
Developmental Services Ontario (DSO)

Ontario Regional Resource

2 Surrey Place
Toronto, ON M5S 2C2

No Email Listed
More of a one-stop access point for many developmental disability services.
Food Bank
Brock Community Food Bank

Sunderland & Beaverton

In a portable behind St. Andrew’s United Church
523 Simcoe Street
Beaverton, ON

Behind the United Church
10 Church Street
Sunderland, ON
Programs and services: Food bank
Food Bank
Nourish and Develop Foundation


16 York Street
Cannington, ON L0E 1E0
Programs and services: Nourish Hub, Community Kitchen, Food Access, Community Development, Social Supports, Women's Servcies
Food Bank
Operation Scugog

Port Perry

Victory Christian Centre (school portable)
593 Alma Street
Port Perry, ON
Programs and services: Food bank once a month
Food Bank
Daily Bread Food Bank


191 New Toronto Street
Toronto, ON M8V 2E7

No Email Listed
Programs and services: Food Bank
Food Bank
Uxbridge Loaves and Fishes Food Bank


c/o St. Andrew’s Chalmers Presbyterian Church
40B Toronto Street South
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1G9
Programs and services: Food Bank
Home Healthcare
VHA Extreme Clean

GTA & Durham Region

Toronto Head Office
30 Soudan Avenue, Suite 600
Toronto, ON, M4S 1V6
Programs and services: Personal Care and Home Support, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Dietetics, Extreme Cleaning, Speech Language Pathology, Social Work Services, Clutter and Hoarding Support Therapy, Community Support Programs, Palliative Care, Dementia Care, Children with Complex Medical Needs, Chronic Disease Self Management
Mental Health
Canadian Mental Health Association Durham


60 Bond St. West
Oshawa, ON L1G 1A5
Programs and services: information and education, case management, psychosocial rehabilitation, housing and primary healthcare
Mental Health
Durham Mental Health Services

Whitby, serves Durham Region

Durham Mental Health Services
519 Brock Street South
Whitby, Ontario L1N 4K8
Programs and services: Crisis response, residential programs, justice initiatives, family support, consumer surivior initiatives, seniors supports, training and education
Mental Health

Peel Region - Bramption

314-7700 Hurontario Street
Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3
Mental Health

Peel Region

314-7700 Hurontario Street
Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3
Mental Health
Tia Health

Online Mental Health Service

No Address Listed
Mental Health

Online Mental Health Service

No Address Listed

No Phone Listed
Note: Free for Ontario residents. Pretty extensive online survey.
Mental Health
Scarborough Health Network

Scarborough Region

Birchmount Location
3030 Birchmount Road
Scarborough, ON M1W 3W3
Program and services: Addictions, Adult inpatient, Adult outpatient, child and teen mental health, community mental health programs, crisis support, justice and mental health, geriatric mental health outreach.
Mental Health
Scarborough Health Network

Scarborough Region

Centenary Location
2867 Ellesmere Road
Scarborough, ON M1E 4B9
Program and services: Addictions, Adult inpatient, Adult outpatient, child and teen mental health, community mental health programs, crisis support, justice and mental health, geriatric mental health outreach.
Mental Health
Scarborough Health Network

Scarborough Region

General Location
3050 Lawrence Ave. E.
Scarborough, ON M1P 2V5
Program and services: Addictions, Adult inpatient, Adult outpatient, child and teen mental health, community mental health programs, crisis support, justice and mental health, geriatric mental health outreach.
Mental Health

Durham Region

133 Simcoe Street South
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 4G8
Program and services: Emergency shelter, Community Residential Facility (correctional housing), transitional and permanent housing, Health support (physician, psychologist, meals, accompanying to medical appointments, art therapy, crisis support, addiction support, etc.
Mental Health (for young adults)
Stella's Place

Toronto Region

18 Camden Street
Toronto, ON M5V 1V1
Program and services: Holistic approach to young adult mental health. Arts based, peer support, talk therapy, crisis intervention, etc.
Pregnancy Information
Pregnancy Options Durham Region

Durham Region

No Address Listed

No Email Listed

No Phone Listed
Program and services: Free online breastfeeding and prenatal classes
Affordable Housing
Ajax Municipal Housing Corporation


1 Richards Lane
Ajax, ON
Ashley Manor, Monarch Mews, River Breeze, Hubbard Station, Post Hill, Westwood Manor.
Affordable Housing
Community Development Council Durham

Pickering and Ajax

458 Fairall Street, Unit 4
Ajax, ON L1S 1R6
Programs and services: rent assistance, Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (for utilities), newcomer settlement, community connections for newcomers
Affordable Housing

Serves Durham Region

133 Simcoe Street South
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 4G8
Programs and services: Emergency shelter, Community Residential Facility (correctional housing), transitional and permanent housing, Health support (physician, psychologist, meals, accompanying to medical appointments, art therapy, crisis support, addiction support, etc.
Affordable Housing
Durham Region Housing Corp.

Serves Bowmanville, Brock Township, Oshawa, Pickering, Uxbridge, Whitby

28A Albert Street
Oshawa ON L1H 8S5
Programs and services: listing of non-profit housing projects
Affordable Housing
Durham Region Housing Services- The Regional Municipality of Durham

Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Cannington

605 Rossland Road East
Whitby ON
Programs and services: Bloor Park Village, Hubbard Station, Harmony Village, Ritson Residence, Whitby Village, New View Homes, Allan Gordon McPhail, Habitat for Humanity Durham
Affordable Housing
The Housing Help Centre


This organization has several locations across Toronto

No Email Listed
Contact for Programs and Services provided
Eviction Support
Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation (CERA)


192 Spadina Ave Suite 427
Toronto, ON M5T 2C2
Programs and Services: free services to tenants facing eviction and human rights violations in their housing
Eviction Support
North House


24 Toronto Street North, Unit #1
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1E6
Programs and Services: Secure housing and prevent eviction, access affordble housing, ID replacement cost, filing income taxes, tennent suport, energy assistance, apply for OESP.
Eviction Support
People's Defence Toronto

GTA Region

No Address Listed

No Phone Listed
Programs and Services: mutual aid projects and campaigns of collective struggle
Financial Assistance
Toronto Rent Bank


No Address Listed

No Email Listed
Programs and Services: The Toronto Rent Bank provides interest-free loans to Toronto residents who are behind in their rent or need to move to more suitable housing.
Toronto Housing Applications
Housing Connections


176 Elm Street
Toronto, ON M5T 3M4

No Email Listed
Programs and Services: Toronto Rent Geared to income applications.
Durham Communtiy Legal Clinic

Durham Region

Midtown Centre
200 John Street West, Unit B1
Oshawa, ON L1J 2B4

No Email Listed
Programs and Services: Referrals, legal information, legal advice, and representation before Administrative Courts and Tribunals
Human Rights Legal Support Centre (HRLSC)


180 Dundas Street West, 8th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M7A 0A1

No Email Listed
Programs and Services: Legal services to people who have faced discrimination . Help file human rights claims with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
Ontario Legal Information Centre


1400 - 85 Albert Street
Ottawa ON K1P 6A4

No Email Listed
Programs and Services: Legal information. Confidential, no appointment and no eligibility criteria
Ontario Renter's Rights


No Address Listed

No Email Listed

No Phone Listed
Programs and Services: Page about your rights as a renter
Ontario Women's Justice Network


158 Spadina Road
Toronto, ON M5R 2T8
Programs and Services: Know-the-law, know your rights, connecting with lawyers, navigating the court, trainings
Legal Aid Ontario


No Address Listed

No Email Listed
Programs and Services: Criminal, family, domestic violence, mental health, refugee, immigration law, legal clinics
Luke's Place

Serves Ajax, Brock, Clarington, Oshawa, Pickering, Scugog, Uxbridge and Whitby

707 Simcoe Street South, Box #3
Oshawa, ON L1H 4K5
Programs and Services: legal information, legal representation, safety planning, navigation of family law, etc.
Pro Bono Ontario (PBO)


110-393 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1E6

No Email Listed
Programs and Services: Represent and advise low-income individuals, start-ups, artists, social service organizations and social entrepreneurs. Civil cases only.
Disability Support and Respite
Community Living - Durham

Durham Region

60 Vanedward Dr., Unit 2
Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1G3

No Email Listed
Programs and Services: Single Point Access Durham Accommodation System (so people don't have to make 1000 applications for housing), two respite homes, community support out of Port Perry and Uxbridge, youth (14-24) recreation.
Central Family Intake


No Address Listed
Programs and Services: Centralized access system for homeless individuals and families requiring emergency shelter * coordinated shelter placement with family shelters, shelters for single women and single men, and youth 16 years and older * comprehensive homelessness prevention strategies

Durham Region

133 Simcoe Street South
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 4G8
Programs and Services: Emergency shelter, Community Residential Facility (correctional housing), transitional and permanent housing, Health support (physician, psychologist, meals, accompanying to medical appointments, art therapy, crisis support, addiction support, etc.
Nelli's Shelter

Toronto Region

970 Queen Street East
Toronto, Ontario M4M 1J8
Peel Region Shelters Website

Peel Region

Several Location across Peel

No Email Listed
Contact organization for Programs and Services
The Salvation Army

Toronto Region

Several Locations across Toronto

Contact organization for Programs and Services
Toronto Shelter, Support and Housing Administration
(Homelessness Initiatives and Prevention Services)

Toronto Region

129 Peter St. (Open 24/7)
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2H3

Several Location across Toronto

No Email Listed
Intake Monday - Sunday, 24 hours
YMCA of Greater Toronto

Toronto Region

Several Location across Toronto

No Email Listed
Contact organization for Programs and Services
Violence Against Women (VAW) Shelter
Bathesda House


(Mailing Only)
P.O. Box 82
Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K8
Programs and Services: Shelter, safety planning, child and youth worker, transition housing worker
Violence Against Women (VAW) Shelter
Denise House


(Mailing only)
King Stevenson Postal Outlet
Box 30560
Oshawa, ON L1J 8L8
Programs and Services: Shelter, Community child and youth worker
Violence Against Women (VAW) Shelter
Herizon House


No Address Listed
Programs and Services: Shelter, safety planning
Violence Against Women (VAW) Shelter
YWCA- WISH Shelter (Women in Safe Housing)


No Address Listed

No Email Listed
Programs and Services: 15 bed shelter